

The Radiation Suit is the highest tier of Radiation Protection. It has thirteen times the protection against radiation. You can unlock it at level 10 and you must unlock Min. Radiation Suit before.

Without Radiation Suit: 8 seconds until you start taking damage, 20 seconds to completely relieve pain.

With Radiation Suit: 1 minute 40 seconds until you start taking damage, 1 second to completely relieve pain.


The Radiation Suit provides the most amount of radiation protection you can have, and being very cheap in string compared to other clothing like Winter Coat or SWAT Suit. It is also commonly used to harvest big wires as using this and a hammer eliminates the need to craft Dynamite. You can also mine uranium and loot the city easily without worrying about radiation damage at all. The Radiation Suit is very good in the long run, but it is not recommended to make it if you are speedrunning or just trying to break the big computers as quickly as possible.

The Radiation Suit is considered a shiny item, therefore only wear it when you need to, or it will attract savages. It is also recommended to have a powerful gun like a Sniper or an AK47 to defend yourself if you have this.

PS: If you're wearing Radiation suit, you'll get a 10% discount of speed (same as SWAT suit and tesla armor)


Radiation Suit is made at a Weaving Machine.
